Many Latest Android Devices Will Not Be Getting Ice Cream Sandwich Update

Mashhood Riaz / News Reviews Category / 18th November, 2011 / 0 Comments
Many Latest Android Devices Will Not Be Getting Ice Cream Sandwich Update

As we know Google is going to release its new Android version, 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich soon and many people argue that it is going to be a mess at the ICS release. As you can see that Google’s strongest rival Apple released the latest update of their mobile OS, the iOS 5 and it has been rolled out to all the hardware competent Apple Devices. But it seems like many popular Android smartphones like Nexus One, LG Optimus X, HTC Desire HD and others will not be getting the Ice Cream Sandwich update and will be left limited to the Gingerbread. It certainly is going to be very annoying for the Android lovers around the world.

Relying On Hackers Will Be The Only Choice

Well, the above mentioned devices are a year or 18 months old and it really brings up the question that why the lifespan of a typical smartphone is getting shorter by the time now. But still, many of those device owners would be relying on the developers and hackers to port Ice Cream Sandwich on their device. So, all the devices could enjoy the experience of the operating system Google is saying to be the greatest mobile operating system to date.

Hackers Already Working To Run Ice Cream Sandwich On Other Devices

Previously, XDA developers, a popular team of hackers and developers have been working on the porting and it seems like they have already ported some of the devices to Ice Cream Sandwich and still they are making improvements in it every day. The latest device to be added in the list is Samsung Galaxy SL i90003. Initially, the ported platform only provides limited functionality but certainly it is the first step for a fully fledged port. Here is the video which shows more details about the port:

XDA Developers have titled this release as almost pre-alpha and they are still working on it. So, we hope that soon the hackers will be able to advance in the near future. We will keep you updated with the latest news about the porting of Ice Cream Sandwich to older devices.

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